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Damp Proof Course Injection Pump

Damp Proof Course Injection Pump

Damp Proof Course Injection Pump

Powerful 110v or 230v electric powered pump to inject sealer into walls at variable pressure.
Power consumption 650w approx.
Weight: 29kg (64lbs)

Damp Proof Course Injection Pump Harness

2.5m (8ft) long hose with manifold and injectors 250mm (10ins) long by 10mm thick with on/off valves.
Protective Clothing
Safety Goggles
Disposable Face Mask
Safety Gloves
Estate Car

Damp Proof Injection Equipment

This equipment is used to provide a chemical damp-proof course in brick or stone walls to eliminate rising damp.
Chemical DPC's are usually either solvent or silicone based. We recommend and supply silicon based fluid due to its low odour and lack of noxious solvent vapours, it is non-flammable, economical in use and is injected directly into the mortar bed at low pressure.
General Guideline (for detailed instructions refer to information supplied at time of hire).
1. Whenever possible work below floor level (suspended wooden floors) internally and above ground level externally.
2. Strip skirting boards and plaster from internal surfaces, to a height of 1m (39ins) above intended DPC level.
3. Drill 10mm holes directly into mortar bed 150mm (6ins) spacing. Whenever possible work from both sides of cavity walls, otherwise drill through and inject from outside. (Solvent based DPC's are normally injected into the brick or down through the brick into the mortar bed at a higher pressure of 60psi.)
4. Inject the silicon fluid at low pressure (max. 20psi) until it spreads evenly across the bed and 'bleeds'. Better penetration is achieved at low pressure over time than hurrying at high pressure.
5. Plug holes with plastic plugs (available from stock) or mortar. Allow to dry thoroughly before replastering and making good.
1 Day
3 Days
Extra Day
Cat. Code
Damp Proof Course Injection Pump
Damp Proof Course Injection Pump Harness

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